Alaska Orff Chapter #88  

Constitution and Bylaws

Article I: NAME

The name of the Organization shall be the Alaska Orff Chapter of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association.


Article II: Consistency with AOSA

Section 1.  The provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws are contingent upon their consistency with the Articles of incorporation and Code of Regulations of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association.

Section 2.  Revisions of, and amendments to, the Articles of Incorporation and Code of Regulations of the American Orff-Schulwerk Association shall be incorporated into this Constitution & Bylaws without a vote of the membership.

Section 3.  In all instances of dispute, the Articles of Incorporation and Code of Regulation of the American Orff-Schulwerk shall prevail.



  • To promote interest in Orff Schulwerk and complementary philosophies

  • To provide a network of support for teachers and students involved in Orff Schulwerk

  • To provide opportunities for professional growth and development

  • To nurture and foster excellent musicianship, pedagogical innovation, and self expression through singing, instrument playing, movement, speech, rhythmic training, drama, and improvisation

  • To encourage & promote attendance at state or local workshops and regional & national conferences

  • To advocate for quality music education for all students in Alaska


ARTICLE IV: Membership

Section 1.  Membership in this organization shall be open to anyone interested in the aims and objectives of this organization.

Section 2.  Regular members shall refer to those people who have paid full membership fees and thereby have voting privileges, shall qualify to hold office and receive reduction of fees for workshops, where applicable.

Section 3.  Full time university students and retired teachers who are members shall have the same privileges as regular members but will pay reduced fees as designated by the Executive Board.

Section 4.  Honorary membership will be available to persons that have furthered the aims of the chapter. Dues are not required, but honorary members waive the right to vote. Honorary members will be named at the discretion of the Executive Board.


ARTICLE V: Officers

Section 1.  

Executive Board shall be the following positions:

  • President

  • Vice President

  • Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Vice treasurer / membership


General board positions include:

  • Area members at large / regional representatives

  • AMEA representatives

  • Past president

  • Public Relations / media strategist / communications representative

  • College credit liaisons

  • Historian

  • Committee heads & members


Section 2.  Election of Officers

  1. Nominations are open to current members in good standing. Nominations should be finished one month before the last general meeting of the fiscal year.

  2. Officers shall serve a two year minimum term. Elections will take place at the last general/workshop meeting of the year.  If a member not in attendance would like to vote they may vote absentee.

  3. Vacancies during the interim between elections shall be filled by appointment of the president with approval of the Executive Board.

  4. Officers must be members of the AOSA (this is a requirement of AOSA).


Section 3. Duties of the Officers:


It shall be the duty of the President:

  • To preside at all meetings

  • To coordinate general meetings and delegate responsibility

  • To establish a calendar of executive board meetings and calls additional meetings as necessary

  • To appoint vacant officer positions if necessary

  • To represent the Alaska Orff Chapter at the National Advisory Board Meetings

  • To prepare the annual report and other national correspondence

  • To help coordinate final arrangements for clinicians contracted for the year

  • The president will appoint members to be in charge of such things as, hospitality, transportation, and other small duties, as necessary.


It shall be the duty of the Vice President/President Elect:

  • To take over the presidency after the president’s term has been completed

  • To officiate meetings in the absence of the president

  • To organize one workshop per year

  • To represent the Alaska Orff chapter at the National Advisory Board if the President is absent.


It shall be the duty of the Past President:

  • To serve in an advisory capacity on the Executive Board for two years

  • To assist the current president as needed


It shall be the duty of the Secretary:

  • To record all chapter and executive board meeting minutes on google docs

  • To distribute minutes to board members after the meetings via email or google docs.

  • To help with the advertising of workshops and AK Orff events

  • To document AK Orff events via photos or video and and submit to the webmaster

  • To post visual evidence of Orff events to social media

  • To carry out other duties as assigned by executive board members


It shall be the duty of the Treasurer:

  • To act as custodian of all chapter funds

  • To keep an accurate account of monies received and disbursed and report this at each exec. board meeting.  Monies should be categorized for all events as designated by AOSA report

  • To file the 990N with the IRS no later than November

  • To Distribute tax documentation to all presenters paid over $500.

  • To submit the chapter financial report to AOSA no later than September

  • To Maintain square store &  inventory

  • To acknowledge via email or in person the receipt of all monies and registrations for workshops

  • To communicate to vice treasurer membership dues received.


It shall be the duty of the Vice Treasurer / Membership:

  • To help collect chapter dues, giving proper receipt, and maintain a list of members in good standing. Membership list should follow AOSA guidelines and be given to president to be submitted with Annual Report.

  • To update the membership list with current names and contact information.  

  • To assist with the chapter’s financial report and individual workshop money categorization.

  • To succeed the Treasurer after the Treasurer’s term has been completed

  • To carry out other duties as assigned


It shall be the duty of Regional Representatives

  • To attend board meetings and report region issues to the board

  • To host sharing sessions and member meetings in region

  • To host and organize workshops in region at the discretion of the representative and with approval of the executive board.


Section 4. Appointed Officers and committees

It shall be the duty of the Media -Communications Specialist

  • To Maintain and update the Orff Chapter website regularly

  • To assist with event publicity through the website, facebook and email

  • To assist by keeping a file of Chapter photos and videos

  • To carry out other duties as assigned by the executive board


It shall be the duty of Members at Large:

  • To give broader representation to board

  • To head a committee or project such as

    • Hospitality chairperson: responsible for contacting member volunteers to provide treats/snacks/refreshments at all chapter events.

    • Instrument chairperson: responsible for organizing instrument and equipment use, transportation, and set up for all Orff chapter events. - Refer to volunteer list

    • Housing and transportation chairperson: responsible for finding housing and transportation to and from the airport. Also for finding transportation for the clinician during their stay. Recommends local activities and restaurants for clinicians during their stay.

  • AMEA liaison: communicates with AMEA president.  Contributes to newsletter updates on the AK Orff for the AMEA journal.

  • To perform other duties at the discretion of the executive board

  • Member At Large is an opportunity to explore and train for other executive board positions


Article VI: Dues and Fiscal Year


Section 1. The annual local dues shall be an amount recommended by the executive board and approved by the membership in the event that the dues need to be changed.

Section 2. The fiscal year shall be from July 1 to June 30.


Article VII: Meetings


The Alaska Orff Chapter shall hold at least three meetings and/or workshops per year.  It is recommended that a meeting be held during the Alaska Music Educators Convention. Other meeting or workshop dates will be set by the president with advice from the executive board. The executive board shall meet as often as necessary to ensure the smooth running of the chapter.


Article VIII: Amendments


This constitution may be amended by a three fourths majority vote of the members present. Prior notice of any change must be given to all members. Members may vote absentee electronically if unable to attend in person.


Article IX: Net Earnings

No part of the net earnings of the chapter shall inure to the benefit of, or be distributable to its members, trustees, officers, or other private persons, except the chapter shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purpose set forth in Article three hereof.  No substantial part of the activities of the chapter shall be the carrying on the propaganda, or otherwise attempting to influence legislation, and the chapter shall not participate in, or intervene in (including the publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office.  Notwithstanding any other provision of these articles, the chapter shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on (a) by an organization exempt from federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law) or (b) by an organization, contributions to which are deductible under section 170 (c) (2) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law).


Article X: Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of the chapter, the officers shall, after paying or making provision for payment of all the liabilities of the chapter, dispose of all of the assets of the chapter exclusively for the purposes of the chapter in such manner, or to such organization or organizations organized and operated exclusively for charitable, educational, religious, or scientific purposes as shall at the time qualify as an exempt organization or organizations under section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 (or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue Law), as the officers shall determine.

Any such assets not so disposed of shall be disposed of by the Court of Common Pleas of the county in which the principal office of the chapter is then located, exclusively for such purposes or to such organization or organizations, as said Court shall determine, which are organized and operated exclusively for such purposes.